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latest general knowledge For NTS PPSC Tests

** Some latest general knowledge For NTS PPSC Tests**
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➣ The national flower of China is Narcissus 
➣ The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at Kathmandu 
➣ The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is Strait of Hormuz 
➣ The first Industrial Revolution took place in England 
➣ World Environment Day is observed on 5th June 
➣ The first Republican President President of America was Abraham Lincoln 
➣ The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil 
➣ The name of Alexander's horse was Beucephalus 
➣ Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles 
➣ The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson 
➣ The earlier name of Srilanka was Ceylon 
➣ The UNO was formed in the year 1945 
➣ UNO stands for United Nations Organisation 
➣ The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on 15th August 
➣ `Last Judgement'was the first painting of an Italian painter named Michelangelo 
➣`Paradise Regained'was written by John Milton 
➣ The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib 
➣ The first man to reach North Pole was Rear Peary 
➣ The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was Guermica 
➣ The primary producer of newsprint in the world is Canada 
➣ The first explorer to reach the South Pole was Cap.Ronald Amundson 
➣ The person who is called the father of modern Italy is G.Garibaldi 
➣ World literacy day is celebrated on 8th September 
➣ The founder of modern Germany is Bismarck 
➣ The country known as the land of the midnight sun is Norway 
➣ The place known as the Roof of the world is Tibet 
➣ The founder of the Chinese Republic was San Yat Sen 
➣ The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was Abdul Salam 
➣ The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Margaret Thatcher 
➣ The first Secretary General of the UNO was Trygve Lie 
➣ The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was Federick Auguste Bartholdi 
➣The port of Banku is situated in Azerbaijan 
➣ John F.Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harry Oswald 
➣ The largest river in France is Lore 
➣ The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was Catherine of Aragon 
➣ The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche 
➣ The first British University to admit women for degree courses was London University 
➣ The principal export of Jamaica is Sugar 
➣ New York is popularly known as the city of Skyscrapers 
➣ Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves 
➣ The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand 
➣ The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is Korea 
➣ The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan 
➣ The highest waterfalls in the world is the Salto Angel Falls,Venezuela 
➣ The largest library in the world is the United States Library of Congress,Washington DC 
➣ The largest museum in the world is the American Museum of Natural History 
➣ The lowest mountain ragne in the world is the Bhieuna Bhaile 
➣ The country known as the Land of Cakes is Scotland 
➣ The place known as the Garden of England is Kent 
➣ The tallest tower in the world is the C.N.Tower,Toronto, Canada


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